
There is something about a picture that caputres emotion better than any word can express.

Hello!  My name is Dawn Brown and my handsome hubby is Jeff.  My husband is my best friend and my greatest support.  We have 5 beautiful children ranging in ages from 4 to 22.  I have always been artistic, and am a lefty.  Which is proof I am creative right?  I grew up in Utah , where my sweet mother always told me I could do anything I set my mind to; and I have tried! Thanks Mom :)   I dabble in cake making, flower arranging, cooking, decorating, and party planning, but my passion is with photography.  I absolutely love photography...I can spend hours editing and creating until I feel the photos are "just right."  I began 11 years ago taking black and white photos of my own children with a 35mm camera.   The digital era has opened up so many more artistic possibilities, which is very exciting!  I  now use a Nikon.  I studied photography in college, and am constantly studying art and photography on my own.  I would consider myself a natural light photographer (which means I like to take portraits outside and  I avoid using a flash.)  I am a people person and love to joke around, by doing this I usually capture some wonderful candid shots, aren't they the best anyway?  I love using props and unique landscapes.  Bring your ideas and we will create your perfect pictures together :)